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North beach Community association

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San Clemente North Beach Community Town Hall Meeting

  • Tuesday, June 11, 2024
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • 140 Avenida Pico, San Clemente, CA 92672


Registration is closed

We are pleased to invite you to a North Beach Community Town Hall Meeting with the North Beach Community Assocation board members, Mayor Victor Cabral, Councilman Rick Loeffler, City Manager Andy Hall, and Coastal Administrator Leslea Myerhoff.

Agenda topics will include updates on North Beach and San Clemente sand replenishment, statuses on development, business and community projects in North Beach including Miramar, Landers and the Ole Hanson Beach Club.  We will also discuss NBCA membership and volunteer involvement to support future North Beach initiatives and community events. Your participation and feedback are essential to our collective community efforts! 

Please RSVP using the link on this page so we can get a proper headcount and make sure to complete the whole process by hitting Confirm so you receive a confirmation email.

If you are interested in volunteering at this community event please click the link below.

Volunteer to work at June 11th Town Hall

About us

We are a community membership-based non profit organization dedicated to promoting the protection, prosperity and well-being of North Beach and San Clemente as a whole while preserving its deep heritage in surf and sand culture.

Become a member

Join with other concerned residents and business owners who want to make a difference in the North Beach and San Clemente community by becoming a contributing member.

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